How Old Do You Have To Be A Blackjack Dealer

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Of course, the blackjack dealer doesn’t always win, but many people feel the dealer wins a disproportionate number of times in blackjack. It’s a basic rule of the casino business that the house only offers games where it has an “edge”.

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The house’s edge is baked into the game.

But the edge doesn’t guarantee the dealer will always win. Over the long run the dealer should only win slightly more often than a perfect player.

So what gives?

In some cases, the dealer’s second card is visible to players. It was also regular for the dealer to make his own decisions. However, after the start of the game, the dealer would follow the mandatory rules of blackjack, where they would need to have up to 16 points and maintain on 17 points or more. The Card Game in 19th Century. In other words, you have 16 cards that are 10 valued. So only 30% of the cards have a value of 10 and 70% of the cards are non 10. Therefore, it is more likely that the dealer’s hole card is a non 10 valued card. That’s why you should stick to a basic blackjack strategy that will tell you what to do. “Due to Win after Consecutive Losses”. When you push your money into the blackjack circle and faced off against a dealer, you are playing the best odds in the house. You can even turn the advantage to your favor. But not so fast. If you thought it was merely the cards you were battling, you have another thing coming. The combat measures began before you even sat down. With late surrender you only have the option after the dealer checks for blackjack. Early surrender is much better because you can still save half your bet when the dealer does have blackjack. As far as I know no casino on the land or Internet currently offers early surrender.

The old adage “perception is reality” works on one level because you play the game by how you perceive it. But on another level appearances can be deceiving. And sometimes the players themselves are responsible for the deceptive appearances.

Here are 7 reasons why the blackjack dealer always seems to win.

1 – Players May Not Understand Probabilities Well Enough

If you’re not trying to count cards, then you don’t even need to worry about the probabilities. Basic blackjack strategy takes all that into consideration.

In blackjack there are only two kinds of probabilities players should think about. The first and most well-known is the division between theoretical return to player and house edge.

Contrary to some players’ thinking, the house edge doesn’t predict how often the house wins. The house edge predicts how much money the house keeps. The assumption behind the house edge is wager-neutral.

In other words, the statistical likelihood that the house keeps about 1% of the money over the long-term doesn’t have anything to do with how much players bet on each game. The payout odds are calculated on the assumption that everything happens in random fashion.

Although the house needs to win a lot in blackjack to get ahead, the differences between payout odds and probabilities of card play create the edge. In any gambling game, if there is a statistical 50-50 chance of a certain outcome, the house will pay less than 1:1 on the odds.

The only other probability players need to care about is the probability that the next card they are dealt helps them. How many people are playing at your table doesn’t matter. What matters is what’s left in the shoe when it’s your turn for a card.

2 – The Number of Hands You Play per Hour Matters

If you’re playing head to head with the dealer, you can go through as many as 200 hands in an hour. If there are four other people at the table with you then each round takes longer. You’ll play fewer hands per hour.

Just using basic strategy against the house, you’ll lose money over time. The game is designed to pay slightly less than the true probabilities allow. So the more hands you play, the more likely the house will “win” your money away from you.

You should still win a lot of hands against the dealer. The house’s strategy is a long game. The more hands you play the more likely they’ll keep some or all of your money.

3 – Bad Game Play Provides the House with a “Hidden” Edge

The casino counts on most players making mistakes or bad calls. An inexperienced player makes a bad call. An experienced player who should know better makes a mistake.

Either way, if you hit or stand when you shouldn’t you make it more likely that the house wins.

If you split when you shouldn’t you make it more likely that the house wins. If you miss an opportunity to split it’s not so bad but you could win twice or more against the house on a favorable split.

On those rare occasions when doubling down would pay off well, if you don’t see the opportunity you’ll pass it by.

Player strategy often enhances the house’s strategy. And whereas you decide your strategy on the fly the house is playing by a very simple rule book. House strategy never changes.

I imagine a guy dancing around a fight ring, trying to show off, while the dealer waits to whack him hard in the face. Your opponent isn’t going anywhere, trying to do flashy moves, or hiding anything. He’s just waiting for you to do something stupid.

With few exceptions players sometimes make it easy for the dealer by using the wrong strategy.

4 – The House Undermines Your Advantage Play

If you count cards the way most people advise you to, you’ll raise and lower your bets in a predictable fashion. This is like jumping up on the table, waving your arms, and shouting “hey, I’m counting cards!”

That strategy may have worked well in the 1960s but today’s casinos just shuffle the cards. All your counting is wasted time and energy.

This is why card counters like to work in teams. They can be more subtle, although the casinos still look for coordinated play.

Continuous shuffling machines may have ruined card counting forever. If not, the larger shoes and option to reshuffle on a whim make card counting a less rewarding strategy for most players.

If it seems like the house is winning more than you think they should, it could be you’re counting cards badly or needlessly.

5 – Are You Tipping the Dealer?

How Old Do You Have To Be A Blackjack Dealer Near Me

The dealer literally wins when you leave a tip. While this is considered a courteous habit and one I myself practice, it makes it all that much harder for you to get ahead.

I limit my tips to when I leave the table. I’ve seen some players split their winnings on big bets with the dealer. Assuming that’s completely legit, it still reduces the player’s winnings.

Whether you tip the dealer or not, the house is winning if you do tip the dealer. Those tips help casino employees pay their bills. I’ve seen some people argue against tipping because it “supports the system”.


I don’t think it’s fair to push casino employees into a moral quagmire. Either tip or don’t tip, but the tip costs you money. It does affect your win-loss ratio proportionate to how often and how much you tip.

6 – Is the Dealer Feeding You Bad Advice?

How Old Do You Have To Be A Blackjack Dealer Locator

I’ve played a few tables where the dealers answered player questions. Blackjack dealers don’t have to be expert players. They only follow one strategy.

If you’ve got a friendly dealer who shares advice, he or she may be well-intentioned but that doesn’t mean they know the best strategy.

I’ve never questioned the integrity of a blackjack dealer. But they may push a progressive bet option. If you want a guaranteed way to improve the house edge in blackjack, go for the progressive wager on the side.

7 – Are You Using a Betting System?

Sooner or later someone sits down at the table with a betting system ready to go. Card counters raise their wagers when they believe the deck favors them but I’ve seen other betting systems.

One guy alternated his bets. He played $25 on one hand and $50 on the next. If he had played perfect strategy it shouldn’t have mattered.

When you talk betting strategies with people someone always brings up the Martingale System. The strategy is simple. Only make minimum wagers until you lose and then double your wager on the next bet to win back what you lost.

The Martingale System requires an endless supply of money, luck, or both. I’ve never met a great blackjack player who believed in a betting system. The best players I’ve sat next to had a set wager amount they always played and stuck to their games.


One of the most important things in gambling is to manage your expectations. The more you expect to win the greater your disappointment will be.

I don’t walk into a casino expecting to lose all my money. I expect to enjoy myself. I want to get the most value for my time and money spent there.

When people allow their expectations to get out of hand they try to make up for disappointment with risky bets. I’ve been one of those guys who got so frustrated he started making aggressive wagers.

When you stop caring about how well you’re playing you should walk away from the table. You can always go back later when you’re feeling better.


The only way the house doesn’t win is if you enjoy yourself and stay in budget. Dropping $200 at a casino is no different from buying $200 concert tickets.

If it’s all for fun and you enjoy yourself the house can’t take that away from you.

You need a dealer license if you’re in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, or otherwise dealing with motor vehicles in West Virginia. Sound like you? Keep reading to find out how to apply for the correct dealer credentials.

Dealer License Minimum Requirements

First, you must request written information about the minimum requirements to establish a car dealership and obtain a dealer license by contacting the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles’ (DMV) Dealer Services at (304) 926-0705.

How Old Do You Have To Be A Blackjack Dealer Open

Generally, the paperwork will contain requirements regarding:

  • The applicant:
    • What kind of dealer license do you want? Not all dealer license types have the same application requirements.
    • Certain situations (e.g. if you have a criminal record) can disqualify you from being eligible for a license.
  • Car dealerships:
    • West Virginia has regulations regarding what constitutes an established place of business when it comes to setting up your car dealership. Your location will need a certain number of square feet, specific office equipment, and a business sign.

How Old Do You Have To Be A Blackjack Dealers

After determining you meet the criteria for your desired dealer license type and establish your place of business, contact Dealer Services again to schedule a pre-inspection appointment at your dealership.

At the inspection, the inspector will give you a car dealer license application packet.

How Old Do You Have To Be A Blackjack Dealer

WV Dealer License Application Materials

Once your business location passes inspection, it’s time to complete the license application, provided by a DMV agent after your dealership passes pre-inspection.

Below is a GENERAL OUTLINE of what the application packet will include and/or request. Depending on the type of dealer license you want, your packet and requirements might differ.

  • A dealer application.
  • A Surety Bond (Form MV-126-DS-P) for $25,000.
    • Doesn’t apply to applicants for transporter, manufacturer, and repossession financial institution licenses.
  • A Dealer Vehicle Liability and Property Damage Certificate of Insurance (Form DMV-126-DS-J).
    • You must have 20/40/10 coverage:
      • $20,000 for bodily injury or death of one person in one accident.
      • $40,000 for bodily injury or death of two people or more in any accident.
      • $10,000 for property damage others sustain in one accident.
  • Personal property tax receipts from each owner, corporate officer, member, and partner OR an affidavit from the county in which the dealership is located stating no one owes any taxes.
  • Pictures showing the dealership meets building location requirements and the signage has letters at least 4 inches high.
  • Garage agreement (if applicable).
  • If you plan on selling new cars (i.e. will be a franchise dealer), the franchise agreement from the car manufacturer or distributor whose vehicles you’ll sell.
  • A valid West Virginia business license.
    • Apply for your business license and register your business with the Business Division of the West Virginia Secretary of State (SOS).
    • Except an additional business license fee.
  • The applicable fees.

Once Dealer Services receives your application materials, the office will:

  • Send a representative to gather the following for criminal background checks:
    • Fingerprints of each owner, corporate officer, member, and partner.
    • All signatures on a release of information waiver.
  • Contact:
    • The WV State Tax Department to confirm your business is properly registered and in good standing.
    • WorkForce West Virginia to confirm you’re approved for non-delinquency of unemployment benefits.

If you need help while putting together your dealer license application, give Dealer Services a call at (304) 926-0705.

Finalize Dealer License Application


Once that’s all said and done, Dealer Services will team up with other state agencies to:

  • See that you have a non-delinquency of unemployment benefits.
  • Check your criminal history record (specifically that it states “no record”).
  • Get a letter of good standing for each owner, corporate officer, member, and partner stating no one owes any taxes.

After everything checks out, you’ll receive your dealer license certificate and dealer plates.