Casino Roulette Betting Strategy

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Roulette is the most recognized casino symbol that is gaining momentum every year. It is not surprising that roulette has been so popular in the gaming world since its invention. Luxury, passion, and simple rules are the most important advantages of this type of game. These advantages win over both new and old players.

How to win when playing roulette: The strategy presented here on this video offer some good ways to win easily on roulette, and is a 'low risk strategy', it. However, there's a lot of volatility built into results. While a single-number bet will win an average of once per 38 spins, and an 18-number bet such as red or black once per 2.1 spins, 2G'$ will win only once per 361 spins. Here's the way it works. There are 38 numbers including 0 and 00 on a double-zero roulette wheel.

Also, roulette is perhaps the most mysterious type of gambling. Why is it so? The mystery of the game lies in the following fact: it is still unknown when exactly and where the roulette game appeared. Most versions agree that France can be considered as the birthplace of this game, which appeared approximately in the second half of the 17th century.

Thus, roulette was invented about 4 centuries ago and remains one of the most beloved games to this day. As a result, any decent online casino site or its mobile app counterpart includes roulette in the list of available games to meet the demands of all avid gamblers. In this article, you will get familiar with some of the most popular online casinos roulette bets, as well as the best strategies to win.

General Information

Roulette is a platform in the form of a rotating wheel, which has a certain number of sectors. The number of sectors depends on the type of roulette. There are such types of roulette as American, French, and European; each of them has its own set of peculiarities, though the basic principle remains the same. Take, for example, 37 sectors numbered from “zero” to “36” in European roulette. If you compare it with the American variation which has an additional double zero pocket, you will notice that the chance of winning is higher when playing European roulette. Remember one simple nuance: the fewer sectors in roulette, the greater odds of winning.

The betting table is divided into 2 parts: external and internal. The internal part is intended for bets on single numbers or groups of up to 6 numbers. They are next to each other in the rate table. The external part of the table is used for bets on high or low numbers, odd or even, red or black.

You can place a bet on any number or group of numbers using external and internal bets. It is important to remember that any outside bet must not be less than the smallest bet for the table. The same is true of a sum of all internal bets. External and internal bets are made independently of each other. Thus, the smallest condition must be met for them. If your bet wins, the original bet is returned to your account. Thus, you get a win depending on what you bet on. If your bet loses, then you, accordingly, lose it.


Roulette at Land-Based Casinos vs Online Casino Roulette

Any gambling fan who has played roulette in land-based and online casinos can attest to one fact. Even though the general concept of the game and the structure of the bets are the same… there are still some differences. They must be taken into account to have a general idea of how these systems are built. So, we will provide you with the main differences and you, in turn, conclude.

Live Dealer vs Random Number Generator

When you play roulette at an online casino, you are usually in competition with one thing: it is the random number generator. Its essence of work is very simple — the program randomly selects numbers. The player has no way of predicting which number will come up next because of such a program. A lucky number of the roulette is impossible to predict (unless you are some genius).

The random number generator is used not only in roulette. It is also employed in other online casino games.


Factors in Real Life vs Program

Have you ever watched the dealer spin the wheel? Some do it slightly, while others put in more effort ... As a matter of fact, speed plays an important role. More than that, the whole success of the game may depend on it. If a player closely watches such little things during the game, then he will be able to predict anything. That is, he might foresee which number the ball will land on with a high probability. Yet, the same dealer will not play with you throughout the game. As a rule, employees change each other every half hour.

Apart from that, experienced players tend to pay attention to the wheel itself. It may sound strange, but the look of the wheel plays a role, too. Nothing is perfect in this world, and defects can be seen everywhere. Small defects in a casino wheel can cause a small ball to hit some numbered pockets more often than others. This pattern can only be noticed instantly by experienced players. Unfortunately, you cannot track this in the online world.

Live Play vs Clear Graphics

This is the most obvious distinguishing feature that confuses many players. On the one hand, you want to enjoy a real game surrounded by opponents. Even a person who doesn’t understand gambling wants to experience such emotions. Still, why do you need to go somewhere if you can enjoy the game while sitting in front of your computer? Nowadays, there are plenty of high-quality games looking so realistic that you just can’t help playing them.


Etiquette vs Its Complete Absence

Etiquette rules are everywhere. Gamblers must adhere to them, too — when they are playing in land-based casinos. For example, a player cannot argue with the dealer. The clothing style also falls into this category. So, there is an alternative for players who are averse to looking formal. Just imagine: cosy clothes, favourite food, comfortable posture, no restrictions ... This is how the online life of gamblers looks like.

Casino roulette betting strategy poker

Strategies for Roulette Table Bets

Strategies are divided into mathematical, productive, and mixed. Mathematical ones suggest the most effective betting position on the roulette table. This is not only mathematics but also the observance of special rules. Scoring ones are accepted based on certain results of the spins. Here, systems of raising or lowering rates are most often used. The specific rate which will be used depends on the situation. A mixed type is the use of several methods at the same time. These methods together are aimed at improving the result of the game. There are no specific rules. Each player uses his best roulette bet combinations.

Casino Roulette Betting Strategy

Top Roulette Betting Strategies to Adopt

It's not a secret that every player wants to try their luck and win. Everyone strives to find the best way to bet on roulette. A properly selected online roulette strategy allows you to maximize the player's advantage. Don’t forget that the roulette game is not only a game with mathematical strategies. This is a kind of luck or the complete opposite of this term.

We cannot ignore the fact that having strategies and changing them has an impact on the game. Someone will be lucky, while others will lose all their money due to neglect. You better plot your own strategy in advance, and not just to commence thinking when launching the game. Besides, your strategies should depend on the available funds. The willingness to take risks can also be critical. It will bring either luck or failure.

That is why, in our opinion, it is better to conclude the game. If you are still thinking about using a strategy, then take note of the following:

  • Parlay strategy;
  • D'Alembert strategy;

These strategies are best known among casino players. Despite the spontaneity of the game, they often lead to success. Let's take a look at each of them separately.

  • Martingale Strategy

The first strategy has historical evidence. It turns out that before the invention of roulette, this system was successfully used. It was used by many people in the games existing at that time. Its essence lies in the fact that the player places bets only on red numbers, for example, or only on even numbers. If the player wins, then he takes the winnings to his bank. He makes the next bet, which is equal to the base one. That is, the bet is made on the same position. If the player loses, then the bet is placed in the same position. The player doubles the size.

  • Parlay Strategy

The second strategy is simple to install. Its main goal is to double the rate with each step. This must be done until it reaches a predetermined amount. Then the game starts over.

  • D'Alembert Strategy

The third strategy is to raise or lower the rate by one unit. For example, you placed the smallest bet that led to a win. This means that the next bet will be the same for this strategy.

  • Fibonacci Strategy

The last strategy on our list involves using a number series. This sequence is constructed as follows. You need to add the two previous numbers to get the new sequence number. It starts with number one. For example, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5... You also need to start with the smallest bets. This is necessary to get the largest number of steps before reaching the upper limit of the rates.

Myths Concerning Roulette Betting Strategies

Of course, such a field is abundant in numerous myths and old wives’ tales. Likewise, even some really useful strategies can be misused, which may lead to quite unpleasant situations. So let’s figure it out!

Hot and Cold Numbers Betting

There is an interesting myth related to betting on cold and hot numbers. Cold numbers are those that the player has never received during the game. Hot numbers, respectively, come up more often than others. Now let's speak of the myth itself. Its essence lies in the following fact. One part of the players bet on cold numbers only because they haven’t come up during the game. They have a kind of hope that this number will drop out right now. Also, there is another category of players. They think hot numbers are not lucky, and these are just special numbers that the roulette wheel can memorize.

For better or worse, this is a myth, in which many players perhaps want to believe. Any matches are possible, but let's look objectively at online casinos. All combinations in the game drop out randomly — they are independent of any factors. If you rely on those stories, you can lose your money.

Yet, many software vendors have created special games that indicate hot and cold numbers, despite the absurdity. It helps players to keep track of the gameplay statistics even better. This innovation works as a hint, and it's rather helpful.

But don't forget that the casino is not an exact science that can be learned. There is no clear outline of which number will come up next. Any cold number can suddenly become a hot one and vice versa. This is a kind of endless loop that can lead to different outcomes of the gameplay.

A Red/Black Strategy

One of the most famous strategies we've had to mention. Its essence lies in the fact that the player constantly bets on red (or black). He doubles his bet with each loss until he wins. Then he starts all over again.

At first glance, the strategy seems to be almost safe for many players. Many beginners do think so. Still, this strategy is one of the most dangerous. What is its danger? You are playing at a very short distance which can lead to drastic changes. For example, you’ve made 10 bets on black, and all the hits were red. If the player keeps on doubling his bet, then his loss will turn out to be extremely large in the end. So be careful when making use of this strategy.

There is a similar stake called “Odd / Even bet”. Its main difference from the previous bet consists only in one thing. The player bets on whether the winning number will be odd or even. Only 2 choices are given, which can be decisive or give a push forward.

Multiple Number Bets

Let’s talk about multiple number bets and what they give. Each player strives to find the best numbers to bet on roulette. Someone is thinking about placing a bet on a row of three numbers. Another player wants to make a corner bet on four numbers — or thinks about as many as 5 numbers. You probably got confused in your head when you thought about how many similar rates there are. The rates that we mentioned above are quite widely used in casinos. Let's take each of them separately.

A bet on a row of three numbers includes 3 different numbers that will be used in the game. You must place a chip on the outside line of the selected horizontal row or three numbers for a straight bet. Thus, a bet of 3 numbers will be received.

Casino Roulette Betting Strategy Poker

It should be noted that each player can choose between 15 possible combinations of bets on these numbers.

A corner bet on 4 numbers is not a hard concept to envision: placing your chips on a square of 4 connected numbers on the playing field. But due to the pure randomness of the results in Roulette, we can agree that there are only 2 conceivable outcomes - win or lose. So, placing bets can vary, and with it the odds, and the expected payouts. All possibilities could be calculated in regard to 37 (European & French), or 38 (American) possible outcomes per single spin.

Now let’s proceed to the myth itself, or rather, an improper understanding of a bet on five numbers, which is likely to interest all players at the beginning of the gaming way. Only experienced people realize that it is better not to use this type. Why do they think so? Everything is very simple. The casino has a lot more edge on this bet. It exceeds the usual 5.26%.

Player’s Mistakes That You Should Consider

This section will be useful for both new and avid players. Let's start with the most obvious psychological component of every person. Yes, you're right, it's about emotions. Emotions are such a trait that can both ruin something and be beneficial. Emotions are considered to be one of the most common reasons for failure in online casinos. This is the most obvious fact that is ignored. For example, a player loses every bet. Emotions are at the limit, the desire to win grows, and the money goes away. What is the end? Such a person will either fail or succeed. As statistics show, failure is most often expected when a person is too emotional. If you are also an emotional person, then set limits for yourself. Limits are what help you to control the game better.

The second most common mistake is learning with real games or not learning at all. Luck still exists and can appear at any moment, but you must not forget about some things. It is unrealistic to win anything if you have no experience. The online gambling world offers tons of money-free games. This is a great chance to make your game better and take stock.

The algorithm of actions is something that is not typical for some players. Many ignore this for some reason. They don’t think about the consequences. The best advice in this situation is to watch the game carefully. Keep track of what is happening and make conclusions only during the process.

Everyone wants a change, right? Gambling lovers want some changes, too. These can be manifested in the change of a game or its variation, in our case — roulette. It's recommended not to get hung up on certain things. However, before you move on to something new, learn better this “new”. It will be easier for you, and you will not fail.

Finally, it is worth noting another equally common mistake. If you realize that the game is not going according to plan, then you should do the next. You should not immediately use all the strategies you know. Using all the strategies in one game can lead to outcomes that you didn’t expect earlier. Moreover, you can confuse yourself, which is the worst of all.

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A large number of online casinos offer various deposit/no deposit bonuses. These bonuses may be available not only to new players. You need to browse the official casino website to find information about bonuses. It is worth noting that there are casinos that don’t offer this feature. So, you need to find this information immediately before starting to play. If you don't care about bonus offers, then don't worry about it.
You may find some information on the Web about the very best roulette strategy having been invented. Trust us, the best betting system is your experience. Only experience will help you to think through logical chains and adopt strategies. Of course, you can use any strategy, but this will not guarantee you success. Every casino game has spontaneity, and roulette is not an exception. One day luck may appear, and the next day it will say goodbye to you. Play any games that will not charge you money. One day, you’ll realize that you are ready to get into serious play — and then proceed.
Yes, of course. Such an opportunity has appeared recently. You can play not only on your phone but also on your tablet. It's worth noting that iPhone owners have a limited selection of games. Android users are provided with a wider range of options. We don’t know the exact reason for these limits, but we hope that the situation will level.
? Are there specific betting limits for online roulette?
Limits are everywhere, being individual for every particular casino. The most common limits are €41 on numbers and €125 on outside bets.
As we mentioned above, there are several types of roulette. Each player has the preferences of his own, but French roulette is probably the most popular variation. It is considered to be the best one. It gives you more chances of winning and getting the coveted money. Speaking about American roulette, it also has its advantages. For example, double-zero wheels are a good variation for a gambler to try.

Where to play?

  • Fastpay casino has a wide range of games, over 5000 games including roulette in their portfolio, the top gambling place on our site. Moreover, they will send the money super-fast (1-5 minutes).

Conventional wisdom says that sometimes a betting system can make your gambling experience more intense, and if you’re lucky you can have some short-term success. But, you cannot beat the house edge in the long term. This is because each roll of the dice, spin of the wheel, or hand of cards dealt, is a completely random event. Independent and unrelated to the others.

Against this conventional wisdom, I believe you can increase your chances of winning by changing your betting patterns. You cannot remove the house edge for an individual game, but the chances of you winning or losing a successive number of games in a row are substantially less. This is where betting systems play a part to increase your overall returns, lower your losses, and/or limit your risk depending on the strategy employed, and luck experienced in a given session.

It’s not necessary to win 50% of your hands to come out ahead. By structuring your bets correctly you can still come out ahead in a given session whilst loosing more than 50% of the time.

Casino Roulette Betting Strategy Odds

As an example, I use this betting strategy at the European Roulette table on even bets Red/Black, Odd/Even, and regularly come out ahead. Start with 1 unit/chip i.e. $10. If you win the first game stay at a $10 bet for the next game. If you loose, add another unit to make your second game in the round a $20 bet. If you win you’ve come out ahead for the round by one unit, in this case $10 and go back to a single unit bet of $10. If you loose add another unit betting $30 for the 3rd game. If you win this game, you’ve broken even for the round. Go back to a 1 unit bet of $10. I usually have a goal of winnings in mind that I need to reach before finishing the session. This would depend on the amount you’re betting, i.e. with a single unit of $10, my goal will normally be $200 before I end the session. If you are a high roller, add some 00’s to these numbers.

There are many different betting systems listed below that can be used for table games such as Roulette, Craps, Blackjack, Baccarat, etc. If we’ve missed any, send us a message, so that we can add it to the list.

Select the below links if you wish to access the full article for each Strategy.

  • Alexembert – An improvement of the d`Alembert progression system primarily used in Roulette.
    The increments between a stage of this progression are higher than in the original d`Alembert. Whereas the d’Alembert had a progression of 1, 2, 3 etc, with the Alexembert method, you can use 1, 3, 5 or 1, 4, 7 so the bet amounts increase by 2 or 3 each time as opposed to by 1. This aims to place lower bets during losing streaks and higher bets during winning streaks.
    Starting with a bet of 1 unit, after a loss the bet amount is increased to the next value, with a win it is reduced to the previous value or remains at 1 if this is not possible.
  • Anti-Martingale – In this betting system mainly used in Roulette a player can capitalize on a winning streak by doubling his bets. If you lose, you place the initial bet amount. There is no bankroll size limitation and the casino limits don’t effect you.
  • Ascot – This system is mostly used in Roulette but may also be applied with casino games like craps and baccarat.
    The Ascot betting system sees winning bets increase by one step at a time in an agreed list of amounts. Losing bets see the next bet decreased by one step.
    The Ascot series can be between 7 and 11 numbers, an example is 2 3 5 8 13 20 30.
    Your first bet would be a number in the middle such as 8. If you win this bet, move to 13 units for the next bet, if you lose decrease to 5 units and so on. The series will end when the last bet in the series, in this case, 30, is won or the first bet of 2 is lost.
  • ASM System – A simple betting strategy used primarily in Roulette. For this system, divide your bets into 30 equal units. The system is betting the following number of units: 1-1-2-2-4-4.
    Start betting 1 unit, if you win move to the next amount. If you lose on bet 1, 2 or 3, go back to bet number 1. If you lose on bet 4 or higher, go back to bet 3. Continue until you either lose your 30 units or win an amount you are happy with.
  • Beresford Progression – A progressive betting system for Roulette. This system is flexible and can be used in lots of different ways. Although it can result in good profits, the losses are limited making it a good system to try. The Beresford Progression works on a similar basis to the Labouchere System. However, reductions in bet amounts take place after lost bets as opposed to won bets using the Beresford Progression System.
    Starting with 1 1 1 1 1, each bet amount is determined by adding the first and last digit together, the total is then added to the end of the string of numbers. If the bet wins, the next bet is again the total of the first and last digit, with the new amount added to the end, if the bet loses, the first and last digits are crossed off and the next bet is the total of the new first and last digits.
  • Cancellation System by Henry Labouchere – The Cancellation System is for bets in Roulette such as Red/Black, Odd/Even or Pass/Don’t Pass in Craps. It is based on the idea that 2 even bets will come in around the same amount of times and if that happens in the short term whilst you are playing then you will finish the session ahead.
    Starting with 10 1’s on a sheet of paper, each time you bet you add up the left and right digits to determine how much you bet.

    If you win, cross both the first and last numbers out. If you lose the bet, add the total bet to the right-hand side of the row of numbers. The next bet will be the total of the new left hand and right-hand number added together.

  • Capitalization of profits – The Capitalization of Profits system is for casino games where you are playing against the house. Increase your bet size from wins, whilst building up a reserve at the same time.
    This system works by increasing the bet amount when winning and adding to a reserve pool to protect your initial bankroll.

    Split your starting stack into 20 separate bets and then you have ‘attacks’ which are a set number of bets together – when you gain 4 units, these are placed into a reserve to protect the starting capital.

  • Deance Progression – A Martingale double-up progression system for games where you are playing against the house. This system is based on the Martingale system, with less risk involved. The aim of this system is to gain a total of 4 units. Units are placed evenly into 4 columns, the first bet is the total of numbers in column 4, the 2nd bet the total of column 3. You will start with 4 columns with 1 in.
    If you get a winning bet, it is removed from the appropriate column – you will then have 3 columns with 1 in as the last column will be crossed off. If the bet is a loser then it is added to the far left empty column or added to each column from left to right. Therefore, if you lose your first bet, you will have 2, 1, 1, 1 in your four columns. If you have a losing bet of 2 or more units, these amounts are spread equally and added from left to right on the row below.

    By splitting any lost bets evenly over each column, the bet amount rises slower and means more than 40 consecutive losses are needed to reach the maximum bet size. With the Martingale double up system, each bet doubles after a loss so the table maximum can be reached very quickly meaning you cannot always recoup losses. Remember, the aim is only to win 4 units, so once you have won this amount, take your winnings and start again if you prefer.

  • Differential Betting System – A Modification of The Contre D`Alembert Progression for games where you are playing against the house. This system sees bet amounts increase after a win and decrease where possible after a loss.
    Starting with a one-unit bet, if you win, increase your next bet by 1 unit. If you lose on the first bet, place a further bet of 1 unit, if you lose after a win, reduce your next bet by 1 unit. All bets should be made on even money bets.
  • Double Street – The Double Street strategy is a low risk and conservative Roulette strategy. It is low risk as you are betting just 6 chips each round but covering 17 numbers in total.
    Place 6 chips of equal amounts as follows: 2 chips on a six-line bet, 2 chips on a different six line bet covering new numbers, 1 chip on a straight-up bet on any number and 1 chip on a corner bet covering 4 numbers.

    This results in a win of 4 units if you hit any of the numbers in the 2 six-line bets, 35 to 1 if the straight-up number comes in and a 2 unit win if any of the corner bet numbers come in.

  • Dual even money progression – A multiple progressive betting system for Roulette.
    This system involves placing 2 bets the opposite side of an even money bet – for example, Red/Black, Odd/Even or High/Low on Roulette.

    Following the Fibonacci progression on one bet – 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, you place another bet on the opposite side using the following units: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256. The logic behind this is that you will lose at some point and this system minimizes losses by doubling the bet on the opposite colour meaning that when this colour comes out, you regain any losses on that colour plus one unit.

  • Even Chance Bets – An even chance betting system for Roulette players. In this system, we increase or decrease our next bet depending on the outcome.
    Choose your starting bet and if you lose, increase your bet by 20% for the next bet. If the bet is a winner, decrease your next bet by 10%.
  • Famous Progressions – A summary of well-known progressions. This is a simple system to learn but you will need a big bankroll in case of a bad run. Choose how much you want to bet to start and go for an even money bet. If you win, collect your winnings and start again, if you lose, double your previous bet. Continue like this until you win, after which time start from the initial bet amount again.
  • Fast Double Bet – An aggressive strategy for Roulette, Blackjack, or other games where house edge is low. Playing all 3 even money chance bets on the Roulette table at the same time, place 1 unit on each. If you get a win, place the winnings plus 1 more unit, so 3 units again, if this wins, place the winnings – 6 units – plus one more, so 7 in total. If you lose, start with 1 unit again.
  • Flat Bet Counting – The Flat Bet Counting system is a Money management system for Roulette.
    You need to split your play into 3 equal segments – this could be time or number of spins – and decide on a loss amount at which point you will take a break. The aim of the 1st level is to make a profit equal to 10% of bankroll, the 2nd level is to try and win any losses from the 1st level if necessary and the 3rd level is to win back total losses and try and make a small profit. You will only move to levels 2 and 3 if the current level fails.
    Level 1 is about winning 10% of bankroll so we recommend you place bets equal to 1% of bankroll and continue until you either win 10 units – 10% – or reach the limit for segment 1.
  • Fractional Betting – In Baccarat, Blackjack and Roulette this strategy considers 2 losses, or 2 wins as the beginning of a trend where you will bet accordingly. Starting with bets totaling 3 times the table minimum, you increase your bet amount by a third after 2 wins and decrease it by two thirds after 2 losses. You may need to get some small denomination chips to get the bet amounts as accurate as possible.
    This is aimed at maximizing winning trends and minimizing losses on losing trends. Although this system will not get you big wins, you will get a nice profit when you hit a good winning streak.
  • Garcia System – When playing Roulette this system takes advantage of the occasional long runs of ‘Even Chance’. The 3 bet amounts are 1 unit, 3 units, and 7 units.
    Watch the first spin, then bet one unit on the opposite of the winning bet. For example, if red comes in, bet 1 unit on black. If you win, the sequence starts again on the opposite bet, so if you bet 1 unit on black and black comes in, you start the sequence – 1 unit – on red.
    If you lose the first bet, stay with the losing value but bet 3 units. If this wins, start the sequence again on the opposite value, if you lose, stay with it and bet 7 units.
  • The Guetting Progression – The Guetting Progression system is a progressive system for even number bets in Roulette. It is based on the idea of a progressive system, which starts small and then increases at a faster rate if wins are coming. There are 4 levels of play – in level 1 you bet 2 units per spin, level 2 either 3, 4 or 6 units, level 3 is 8, 12 or 16 units and level 4 consists of bets of 20, 30 or 40 units.
    Starting at level 1, any 2 consecutive wins see you move up to a higher bet in your current level or move to the lowest amount in the next level up. Any loss at the first attempt of a level means you go back to the lowest bet on that level or back down a level.
  • Guetting Progression Part II – Same as above.
  • Half Peak – The same as the Alexembert with a slightly helpful modification: the half peak mechanism. This is a very simple betting system to learn. Start with any bet amount you wish, if you win, decrease the bet by 1 unit, if you lose, increase it by 1 unit.
    If you win and then lose or lose and then win, you will make a 1 unit profit, keep going with the system for as long as you wish and if you win one of the last 2 bets you will end up with a small profit.
  • Hollandish System – A progression system for table games. Starting with a bet of one unit, you continue at this level until you get your first win, then increase the bet to 3 units. Again, continue to bet 3 units per spin until your next win when you increase to 5, the next win 7, then 9, etc. Continue until you reach an amount where you are either happy to walk away with the profits or hit your maximum loss amount.
  • Martingale – The Martingale system is one of the most popular and is for even money bets like Odd/Even, Black/Red or High/Low for Roulette and Pass/Don’t Pass in Craps.It is a very simple system to learn – every time a bet is lost, double your stake for the next bet. On even money bets, by the law of averages, you won’t be far from a winning bet and when you do you will get all your losses back.
    However, following this plan can lead to high bet amounts if you go on a bad run so you will need to ensure you have a good bankroll and the table limits are high to allow you to keep playing for as long as possible before hitting them.
  • Oscar’s Grind – The Oscar’s Grind system is a popular system with many players.Starting with a bet of 1 unit – the amount is up to you and will depend on bankroll – keep betting on any even money bet until you win one. If you lose, the next bet remains the same amount, if you win then it is increased by 1 unit for the next bet. This continues until you recap any previous losses and come out 1 unit ahead at which point you start the series again with a bet of 1 unit.
  • Piquemouche Method – Based on the Martingale betting system, the Piquemouche sees you bet each level 3 times instead of the 1 time before doubling the bet amount. This sees your betting more prudent than the Martingale system but it does mean that you need more than 1 win before you break even. Whereas the Martingale system doubles the bet amount after you lose, with this system your bet amounts would be 1,1,1,2,2,2,4,4,4,8,8,8, etc.
    On each level, you only double the bet when you lose 3 times more than you win. If you win 3 times more than you lose on any level, you are in profit and you start again from 1 unit.
  • Pluscoup Progression – The Pluscoup Progression system is a winning or ‘up as you win’ system. It is similar to other systems in that it is for use on even money bets but is more aggressive than most so you will need a larger bankroll. Start with a bet of 1 unit – the value of which will depend on your bankroll. Should this bet win then you take your profit and bet 1 unit again. If you lose, the bet amount stays as 1 unit until you register your first win, after which it increases to 2 units.
    If you are still down after a win, continue this way by increasing the next bet by 1 unit each time you win until you find yourself ahead, at which point go back to 1 unit for your first bet and start the system again.
  • Pyramid System – Known as either the D’Alembert system of Pyramid system, this is one of the most popular systems for roulette.Based on the Martindale system but with smaller risk, you start by betting 1 unit and continue to do so until you lose. After your first loss, the bet amount goes up by 1 unit. After the next bet, if you win the bet amount reduces by 1 unit, if you lose again it goes up by one unit.
    Continue this way – increasing the next bet by 1 unit if your bet loses and reduce it by 1 unit if your bet wins.
  • Small Wins System – The aim of this system is to win a small percentage of your bet over a number of spins. The formula for working out what to bet is X/Y where X is the amount you wish to win and Y is the number of spins over which you want to win this amount. Start by placing a bet of the amount you wish to win – so X – if you win a bet, deduct the amount you won from X and 1 from Y and play again. When you lose a bet, add the loss amount to X and add one to Y.
  • Stan’s System – This is a simple to work out system that sees you reduce your bet when you win and increase on a loss. To start, write down consecutive numbers up to double the number of bets you are happy to lose, so for example, if we take 10, you would write down 1 to 20. Starting in the middle, so in the above case 10, bet 10 units on an even money bet. If you win, reduce your bet by 1 to 9, if you lose, increase it by 1 to 11. Keep going this way until you either get to the 1 or 20.
  • Star alternative progression – The Star system works by slowly increasing bet amount when a bet is lost and works best for Blackjack.Betting each level twice, you start off with a bet of 1 unit and continue at this level until a bet is lost. The first time a bet loses, the bet amount stays the same, the next time you move up a level and bet 2 units. You continue in this way until you either win an amount you are happy with or you lose twice on the final bet level, at which point there is a recovery level which has bigger bets, lose on the recovery level and there is a 2nd recovery level to try and recuperate losses.
    Should a game of blackjack be lost that involves either doubling or splitting – so the bet amount is doubled – this counts as 2 losses instead of one.
  • Stepladder System – In this system, each number is the equivalent of a rung on a ladder.The aim is the get to the top of the ladder by increasing one rung at a time. As with a normal ladder, each rung must be fairly close together. Each number represents a betting unit of your choice depending on your bankroll.
    Start by betting 5 units and simply move up a rung when you win and down one when you lose.
  • Stretched d’ Alembert – This method is unsurprisingly based on the original d’Alembert method. The Stretched d’Alembert method involves several bets at each stage thus ensuring we never bet too much in a single go.The new levels would be as follows: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2 etc.
    The sequence of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 are bets using 1 unit before we raise the bet to 2 units. We then play the sequence of 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 with 2 units before raising to 3 units etc. The betsize is reduced in the same manner.
  • The Sure Win Method – A system for even money bets in Roulette, Blackjack, Craps, and Baccarat. The principle for this method is that all even chance bets repeat themselves quite frequently. Put your first bet on any even chance outcome. If you win, leave both units on that bet. If you win a second time, return your next bet to one unit. Repeat the above on every session. If you lose, use the next bet in the progression to try and get a parlay.


    Remember, on any profit return to the start of the series. Decide before you start where your level of comfort is and use that as your decision as to how long to go on for.

  • The Zero Factor – The Zero Factor betting system aims to cover all even money bets – including both sides of each.Whilst this may sound a losing strategy as you will lose if zero comes out and break even if it doesn’t, the key is the amount you bet on each side of the even money bets.
    You can reduce the amount lost if 0 comes out and if done correctly, is not as silly as it may sound.
  • Thomas Elrod System – This system uses a debit column and control number to determine the amount of the next bet. Elrod himself used 100 units as the initial debit amount and 20 as the control.
    Divide the debt amount by the control amount to determine the amount for the next bet, if you lose, add the loss amount to the debit column and divide again, if the bet is a winner, subtract from the control figure, and the win amount from the debit column and divide again.
  • Tier et Tout – This system is a winning progression and therefore sees the total bet amount rise slowly depending on how you are doing.
    Decide how much you wish to bet and then take 1 third of it for your first bet. If this bet loses, bet the remaining 2 thirds of the bet on the next go. If the first or second bets win, increase the original bet amount to include the profit and then bet 1 third of this amount next go. If both bets lose, start again with the same bet amount and bet 1 third.
    If you can avoid 2 losses in a row, the winnings can go up at a nice rate.
  • Unorthodox Even Chances – This system is a combination of the Martingale and Cancellation Systems.
    Watch 15 spins on the roulette wheel and make a note of which even money bet comes in the most. You can then choose whether to play with an unorthodox Martingale or unorthodox Cancellation System.
    The Martingale plays for a couple of wins whilst the Cancellation plays through one full set of numbers.
  • Whittacker Progression for Doz & Col bets – This system uses bets with odds of 2 to 1 rather than even money bets, so for example on Roulette, it may be Column bets.
    The following starting sequence is used:
    1. bet 1 unit
    2. bet 1 unit
    3. bet 2 units if you win on the first bet, your profit is 2 units. If you win on the second bet, your profit is 1 unit. If you win on the third bet, your profit is 2 units. In each of these cases you start the progression again with the same sequence: 1 – 1 – 2

    If you lose the first 3 bets, the next bet is determined as follows: If you have a negative balance of between 4 and 9 units the balance is divided by 2. If you have a negative balance of between 10 and 21 units the balance is divided by 3. If you have a negative balance of between 22 and 100 units the balance is divided by 4. If you have a negative balance of over 100 units the balance is divided by 5. If the result of the division is not a whole number, then this number is always rounded up.

  • Winning Edge Roulette – This system works best on even money roulette bets, so red or black, odd or even etc.
    Starting with 1, 1, 2, bet the first number in your sequence. If you win, you bet the first and last numbers in the sequence. If you lose, you add the total bet lost to the right of the numbered sequence and then start by betting the first number again.
    Continue like that – If you win, bet first and last, if you lose add the total bet to the right and play with the first amount again.

Casino Roulette Betting Strategy By 10s

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