Bahadir Hatipoglu Poker

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Bahadir Hatipoglu Poker

European Poker Tour Hatipoglu Scores a Lucky Double A big pot was brewing when Bahadir Hatipoglu and Bard Aksnes clashed on the K♠ J♠ 2♥ 9♠ turn and it was the former that ended up at risk for the last 61,000. In raised pot with a flop showing, both Bahadir Hatipoglu and Abelardo Hafauri checked. The turn was the and they checked as well to see a on the river. Hatipoglu bet 15,000 and after a long tank, Hafauri called but mucked his cards when Hatipoglu tabled for trips. 2019/11 - Master Classics of Poker #10 - €9.800 NLH High Roller Luuk Gieles verliest klein potje van Bahadir Hatipoglu Luuk Gieles verliest klein potje van Bahadir Hatipoglu 22:09 - King - Level 2: 100 / 100 - BB Ante: 100. Bahadir Hatipoglu poker profil. Zadnje informacije, zmage in galerija.

The biggest pot of the day and the tournament has just taken place.

Bahadir Hatipoglu Poker Game

GamesBahadir hatipoglu poker tournaments

Bahadir Hatipoglu Poker Games

It all began with Jari Saviaho raising to 100,000 from the cutoff with and Bahadir Hatipoglu defended with .

Saviaho checked after he hit trips on the flop and Hatipoglu bet 165,000. Saviaho raised to 415,000 before Hatipoglu shoved for 1,600,000.

Bahadir Hatipoglu Poker Tournaments

Saviaho called and Hatipoglu was drawing dead after the came on the turn to give his opponent quads. The hand was official after the completed the board on the river.

Bahadir Hatipoglu Poker Table


The big blind ante became a small blind ante with play after the hand becoming five-handed. The remaining five players are all guaranteed €21,150.